Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Regaining focus

I woke up one morning last week and realized that I had lost the focus of my journey to happiness. Not that I was unhappy, but that my focus had wavered and I hadn't been working daily to achieve what I've set out to achieve. So in an attempt to regain my focus, I'm going to mark this as a milestone, commend myself for having the courage and strength to continue my journey, make an affirmation to work harder and more diligently, and review what I have already accomplished.

My original goal (rewritten so it's pertinent today):

"Today is the first day of the rest of my life. This is my journey of changing my life to become the woman I've always wanted to be. Welcome to day [162].

My goals are to lose [100] pounds; live a healthy and active life; become the sister, daughter, aunt and friend my loved ones deserve; become the partner I seek and become the best version of me I can possibly be.

I am gluten intolerant and part of my healthy lifestyle will be to [continue to] remain on a 100% gluten free [and dairy free] diet. Eeep!

To accomplish these goals I will eat healthy and be active, improve my self image and self esteem, be inspiring, be thoughtful and knowledgeable, learn to be patient and fair, learn to forgive and forget, learn to let go, pursue my goals and fulfill my dreams, love to the fullest, laugh often and live an amazing life."

I wish to:

Read more
Pursue knowledge
Enjoy the simple things
Be happy often
Say yes more often
Dance more often
Expand my horizons
Create a legacy
Make the best of things
Join the Peace Corps.
Improve my friendships and relationships
Graduate college
Teach and inspire someone
Deliver a baby
Worship my body
Expand my vocabulary
Improve my posture
Stress less
Give more
Cherish my friends and family
Cherish my mother
Live life to the fullest
Never give up
Travel the world

I had originally planned to cross off the things I have already accomplished, but have realized that this is not a "bucket list" - it isn't a list of things to accomplish and cross off before I die. This is my list of things I hope to embody for the rest of my life, so I will continue to strive to do all of these things everyday for the rest of my life.

My chapter on sprituality is on its way in. I'm so excited!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

La fin de l'ete

Summer is coming to a close and it was a good one.

I'm not sure if my perspective is changing, if I'm just complacent or if I'm really just happier but I didn't spend as much time as I'd planned out by the pool but I'm completely satisfied with my tan and my level of relaxation.

In short, I did everything that one should do over summer:

I got everything done on my honey-do list (without a honey, might I add), took a few trips, ate popsicles, got an A in one of my summer classes, spent some time being stressed &busy, spent some time relaxed &doing nothing, lost weight, gained weight, lost weight again, changed my hair color, got dressed up, made goals, achieved goals, laughed, cried, got sick, got better again, took 3 road trips, and most importantly I spent good quality time with my friends and family.