Friday, May 28, 2010


I just watched Food, Inc. and although I will not become a vegetarian, I will become more interested and responsible for the foods I purchase and consume. I appreciate documentary's like this that make industry secrets available to the public. The truth is, we are supremely uneducated about so much of what we do on a daily basis and it's important that we know that something has to give and that it starts with me.

My list of sins:

-I have not recycled in a year and a half.
-I generally do not check to see if I'm buying local, organic, grass fed or cage free.
-I use more than my fair share of water and electricity.
-I create a lot of trash.
-I purchase produce from a grocery store year round and don't pay attention to what is in season.

My list of vows:

+I will use less water when washing dishes, washing my face, brushing my teeth, taking a shower, doing laundry and running the dishwasher.
+I will check for and purchase more local, organic, grass fed and cage free products, including products not tested on animals.
+I will contact my apartment complex manager and push the issue of making recycle available to residents of the complex.
+I will be more conscious of my electricity consumption. I am currently a Greenergy member of SMUD, where 100% of my electric bill comes from renewable energy resources such as sun, wind and water.
+I will consider creating my own urban compost or at the very least, use my garbage disposal for food scraps rather than my garbage in an effort to keep food out of the landfill.
+I will use and recommend cloth diapers for my family and for my future client's families as diapers make up the 3rd largest waste product in landfills.
+I will save my pennies for a bicylce and ride to the grocery store and library instead of driving.
I already use reusable water bottles; buy recycled products when possible; am a Greenergy member of SMUD, where 100% of my electric bill comes from renewable energy resources such as sun, wind and water; cook my own food and use reusable containers, thanks to my apartment complex I have energy star appliances and a water saving washing machine; I don't consume dairy products or wheat products which lessens the demand of land and resources to supply or transport those products (however, I do eat meat and they are fed grain which is transported); and I use the train when traveling instead of plane or car.

I did do a very basic calculation of my carbon footprint and I emit 22 tons of carbon dioxide every year. It is below the U.S. national average, but I will see what I can do to lower this.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can it get any better?

Oh, how wonderful my life is. I hate to brag, but I have truly never been happier or more content.

Saturday brought me beautiful weather, a poolside BBQ, laughter, family and good friends, IKEA and a wonderful sleepover. Sunday started with a cup of coffee with a lovely lady, Tai Chi and a little yoga (note to self: lose more weight before trying yoga again - you looked dumb), planning and preparation for the week ahead and laying out by the pool in the sunshine with my girlfriends. Monday I leave for Quincy, CA to camp in Sammy's backyard which promises good fun, lots of laughter, adventures and excursions, 2 joyous little children and time with my "new family".

I am eagerly looking forward to my wine tasting party and am hoping my mom will be home by then. I haven't seen her in 3+ months and I just can't wait any longer. I am anxious for her to meet the new friends I have made recently and reconnect with the friends I've had. I love our talks immensely so I am planning a doozy for the two of us when she arrives home.

On the horizon is my brother's wedding and the bachelorette party! I have the honor of being a beautiful bridesmaid and I have been given the fantastic gift of walking with my beautiful baby niece down the aisle. I can't wait for her to grow up so we can be best of friends. She will love California and will visit often because we will have ice cream for breakfast and pancakes for dinner, visit amusement parks often, build forts in the living room and I will buy her things her parents said she can't have. I can't wait to meet her because I know she will be an extension of me even though she isn't my daughter. I love Tory &Kelli for allowing me to meet and get to know her. I wouldn't mind another, guys. ;)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Loving life and new horizons

I have great friends that keep me busy and fulfilled.
I love working at the hospital and am thankful I have a life that allows me to volunteer.
I am looking forward to summer and fall semester because I am getting so close to nursing, I can taste it.
I am ready for summer to start and for the weather to warm up so I can spend my days relaxing poolside.
I will meet with my personal trainer next week to get a plan for the gym so my hard work keeps paying off.
Speaking of the gym, swim class and Tai Chi start next week and I can't wait to go! In the spirit, I bought two new bathing suits!

Weight loss update: 19.5 pounds and still going strong!