Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Skinny Girl Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my shape to keep
Please no wrinkles, please no bags
And lease lift my butt before it sags
Please no age spots, please no gray
And as for my belly, please take it away
Please keep me healthy, please keep me young
And thank you, dear Lord, for all that you've done.

Thanks Amie!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

J'adore ma vie.

So whatever it was that I was going through last week has packed a back &left running leaving no traces behind. I'm literally dancing in my seat as I type this. :D

I would like to thank:

+My wonderful lady friends that helped me pull through (Amie, Sam, Caitlin, Pam to name a few). I'd be sitting on my couch watching TV and eating brownies if it weren't for you ladies.
+My new gym membership (thank you Amie). It gives me energy, makes me feel better about myself, &increases my positivity.
+My ipod for my wonderful music selection that kept me company in the gym today &for pushing me to go faster &farther.
+The California sunshine for putting me in a beautiful, productive mood.

There is nothing I can't do! I shall conquer the world! But first, a shower &some lunch.

Have you smiled today? :D

"I like chocolate, but my hips sure don't. I like drinking red wine, but tomorrow my head sure won't. These are just some things that I love that are bad for me. I like shopping but my purse sure don't. I like wearing high heels but tomorrow my feet sure won't. These are just some things I love that are bad for me. Why does everything that feels so dang good bad for me?" Danielle Peck.

Weight loss update: To date, I have lost 15.3 pounds!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

J'ai besoin d'une solution

My pursuit of happiness has been momentarily derailed. I have turned my life upside down &inside out &I need to focus on straightening it out.

On the upside, in the effort of enriching my life, I:

+Had more girl time in the last month than I had last year
+Adjusted my educational plan to better suit me &my life.
+Conquered many miles of hiking trails &a hill I never would have attempted in my "past life"
+Became a member of Natomas Racquet Club to promote my weight loss goal
+Remained &continued to enrich my GFCF diet

On the downside, I have:

-Not been accountable for my nutrition or weight loss
-Have not gotten enough sleep
-Discovered than even the slightest of dairy makes me ill
-Temporarily lost my motivation for my school work
-Spent too much money (although I am content with my purchases &believe they will enrich my life in their own way)
-Temporarily lost my organizational sense &have wrecked my house
-Been putting things off &allowed them to pile up &now I am overwhelmed

My GPA is plummeting as I write this &I'm terrified of my classes for next semester. Most importantly, I'm terrified of disappointing my mom.

I need a solution. Something has to give. 2010 has kicked my ass so far &it's time to start kicking back. This weekend shall be a new beginning.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

C'est la fin

Spring break proved to be fantastic. I didn't accomplish everything on my list, but I think it was a tad over-ambitious anyway. I decided to blow off the end of the week &spend more time with friends. I was well rewarded with fun, laughter &amazing experiences. On that note, I am thrilled for the month of April as it will bring many good things.

Hopefully the next 6 weeks pass without a glitch &I can end the semester on a high note (with a good GPA, hopefully).

Weight loss update: Saturday marks 2 weeks gluten-free &1 week casein free. I am officially -7.6 pounds! It feels fantastic &I hope I can keep it up! I am on my way to accomplishing my weight loss goal &I am looking forward to saying goodbye to another 10 pound increment.

xoxo. love.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The simple things

I am learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Such as:

+The quiet of living alone
+Having the whole bed to myself
+Watching whatever movie I'd like
+Talking to my mom as much &for however long I'd like to
+Having whatever I want for dinner (even if it's Chinese 3 nights in a row)
+Spending as much time with my family &friends as I see fit
+Spending my money the way I want to
+Never doing something out of guilt or because I feel like I should
+Being as blissfully happy as I was meant to be

I hated living with a boy. The next boy I live with will be my husband. I think I am a much better girlfriend if I don't share my space with my boyfriend.

I feel I am a very strong single woman &it really bugs me when every time I talk to someone, they ask if I'm seeing anyone. NO, I'M NOT. &I DON'T WANT TO BE SEEING ANYONE. This is time for me &I'm glad to have this time. But every time, without fail, they ask if I'm seeing someone yet. Do I have to be? Am I weird for not seeing anyone? I would disagree. I think I am doing the best thing for me &I'm doing exactly what I should be doing in my early twenties. Besides, not only do I enjoy being single, I also enjoy knowing that I am not forcing a relationship because I am lonely or feel like I need to be with someone. I enjoy being single, I enjoy spending time developing who I am, and I enjoy wanting my partner, instead of needing them. I have never looked for a relationship, &I won't start now. When I'm ready to be in a relationship again, the right person will come along. Until then, margarita's at my place! <3