Thursday, April 1, 2010

The simple things

I am learning to enjoy the simple things in life. Such as:

+The quiet of living alone
+Having the whole bed to myself
+Watching whatever movie I'd like
+Talking to my mom as much &for however long I'd like to
+Having whatever I want for dinner (even if it's Chinese 3 nights in a row)
+Spending as much time with my family &friends as I see fit
+Spending my money the way I want to
+Never doing something out of guilt or because I feel like I should
+Being as blissfully happy as I was meant to be

I hated living with a boy. The next boy I live with will be my husband. I think I am a much better girlfriend if I don't share my space with my boyfriend.

I feel I am a very strong single woman &it really bugs me when every time I talk to someone, they ask if I'm seeing anyone. NO, I'M NOT. &I DON'T WANT TO BE SEEING ANYONE. This is time for me &I'm glad to have this time. But every time, without fail, they ask if I'm seeing someone yet. Do I have to be? Am I weird for not seeing anyone? I would disagree. I think I am doing the best thing for me &I'm doing exactly what I should be doing in my early twenties. Besides, not only do I enjoy being single, I also enjoy knowing that I am not forcing a relationship because I am lonely or feel like I need to be with someone. I enjoy being single, I enjoy spending time developing who I am, and I enjoy wanting my partner, instead of needing them. I have never looked for a relationship, &I won't start now. When I'm ready to be in a relationship again, the right person will come along. Until then, margarita's at my place! <3


Amie Harvey said...

Nicely said. I think you are doing what every person should be doing in their life. And you are doing it at the perfect time. It'll be those people who, in twenty years, while they are feeling depressed about their lives, they'll ask "who am I?" and you'll already be past that part! Keep it up girl!