Sunday, April 25, 2010

J'adore ma vie.

So whatever it was that I was going through last week has packed a back &left running leaving no traces behind. I'm literally dancing in my seat as I type this. :D

I would like to thank:

+My wonderful lady friends that helped me pull through (Amie, Sam, Caitlin, Pam to name a few). I'd be sitting on my couch watching TV and eating brownies if it weren't for you ladies.
+My new gym membership (thank you Amie). It gives me energy, makes me feel better about myself, &increases my positivity.
+My ipod for my wonderful music selection that kept me company in the gym today &for pushing me to go faster &farther.
+The California sunshine for putting me in a beautiful, productive mood.

There is nothing I can't do! I shall conquer the world! But first, a shower &some lunch.

Have you smiled today? :D

"I like chocolate, but my hips sure don't. I like drinking red wine, but tomorrow my head sure won't. These are just some things that I love that are bad for me. I like shopping but my purse sure don't. I like wearing high heels but tomorrow my feet sure won't. These are just some things I love that are bad for me. Why does everything that feels so dang good bad for me?" Danielle Peck.

Weight loss update: To date, I have lost 15.3 pounds!!!