Wednesday, April 21, 2010

J'ai besoin d'une solution

My pursuit of happiness has been momentarily derailed. I have turned my life upside down &inside out &I need to focus on straightening it out.

On the upside, in the effort of enriching my life, I:

+Had more girl time in the last month than I had last year
+Adjusted my educational plan to better suit me &my life.
+Conquered many miles of hiking trails &a hill I never would have attempted in my "past life"
+Became a member of Natomas Racquet Club to promote my weight loss goal
+Remained &continued to enrich my GFCF diet

On the downside, I have:

-Not been accountable for my nutrition or weight loss
-Have not gotten enough sleep
-Discovered than even the slightest of dairy makes me ill
-Temporarily lost my motivation for my school work
-Spent too much money (although I am content with my purchases &believe they will enrich my life in their own way)
-Temporarily lost my organizational sense &have wrecked my house
-Been putting things off &allowed them to pile up &now I am overwhelmed

My GPA is plummeting as I write this &I'm terrified of my classes for next semester. Most importantly, I'm terrified of disappointing my mom.

I need a solution. Something has to give. 2010 has kicked my ass so far &it's time to start kicking back. This weekend shall be a new beginning.


Caitlin said...

If I were you would I would do 2 things:
1. Take a lesson from The Smiths and "Do your best and don't worry"

2. Take your hands off the wheel and see what happens. I notice that life seems to plop what you should be doing in your lap.

I should probably take my own advice. I freaked out so bad about my GPA last week I almost started having panic attacks (you know after hearing the chick of admis. from UCD talk). I'd say, this semester is a fucking bust. Just really apply yourself next semester and you'll be fine. Your really smart. Really, smarter than me! I mean you are actually passing french!