Today was my first gluten free &Whole Foods shopping experience. It was excruciatingly intimidating. I realized upon entering the store I knew NOTHING about food, but a very nice lady was more than helpful. My breakfasts are now 100% gluten free!
Over the last few days I have emptied my kitchen of all gluten laden products I can't have &now my cupboards are bare! I have peanut butter &vanilla extract &that's about it. It's amazing how much my diet consisted of foods that were making me sick. It felt wonderful to get rid of it all &it will feel even better to fill it with healthy foods.
Empty cupboard #1.
Congratulations! You will be amazed by the energy you will have by avoiding gluten. I think it will give you all the energy you need to achieve all of your goals. I look forward to reading about your journey (maybe we can read it to Ari as a bed time story)!
I don't know where you stand as far as religion but the serenity prayer helps me a lot; God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
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